Japanese Duolingo Visualizer


User: ...



Visualize your Duolingo (Japanese) progress everyday with Python and GitHub Actions. Website is made with simple and reasonable HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap, hosted with GitHub Pages as a static site. Dependencies included within this project (for the website) are Chart.js and Chart.js Plugin Annotation to make intuitive and user-friendly graphs. Speaking of Python, I used Requests to perform HTTP requests and Pytest for unit-tests. For further details, please check the GitHub repository located at the end of this page.


Experience Graph

Graph below draws your daily experience points from Duolingo.

This is an alternative text. This essentially shows a graph of your experience progress.


Time Graph

Graph below draws your minutes spent per day in Duolingo.

This is an alternative text. This essentially shows a graph of your time spent daily in Duolingo.


Sessions Graph

Graph below draws your number of sessions (lessons or events) taken per day in Duolingo.

This is an alternative text. This essentially shows a graph of your number of sessions taken per day in Duolingo.


Streak Graph

Graph below draws your daily streak progress from Duolingo.

This is an alternative text. This essentially shows a graph of your streak progress.