# Anzu

Anzu (she/her) is an open source LINE chatbot to remind you of your tasks. Anzu is fully asynchronous and uses JavaScript's natural asynchronous nature to its fullest.


Check out more of Anzu by looking at her website! (opens new window)

# Architecture

  • Asynchronous Programming
  • Functional Programming
  • JavaScript Programming Language
  • Shell Scripts and Micro Computers for Automation
  • Vue.js for Documentation

Anzu is divided into two subprojects: bot or src for the bot itself, and docs for the documentation. The bot or src is made with TypeScript (opens new window) and Node.js (opens new window) from scratch, while the docs is bootstrapped using Vue.js / Vuepress (opens new window) and hosted with GitHub Pages (opens new window).

# Documentation

Anzu's full documentation could be seen at this website (opens new window). The documentation covers the installation guide, usage examples, list of commands, and many more! Check it out!

# Contribution

Anzu is open source and is under continuous development. Keep in touch by starring this repository! If you have any interest to contribute, please check the contribution in the documentation for contribution guidelines (opens new window).

# License

This application is licensed under MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.

# Credits

Please check in the documentation for the credits (opens new window).

Feel free to cite everything from this repository, as long as you give your credit. Anzu is not related in any way, shape, or form to my work or my research. Anzu is just a personal interest turned open source.